Photorealistic Material and Lighting Transfer for Indoor Scenes
CVPR 2022


Most indoor 3D scene reconstruction methods focus on recovering 3D geometry and scene layout. In this work, we go beyond this to propose PhotoScene, a framework that takes input image(s) of a scene along with approximately aligned CAD geometry (either reconstructed automatically or manually specified) and builds a photorealistic digital twin with high-quality materials and similar lighting. We model scene materials using procedural material graphs; such graphs represent photorealistic and resolution-independent materials. We optimize the parameters of these graphs and their texture scale and rotation, as well as the scene lighting to best match the input image via a differentiable rendering layer. We evaluate our technique on objects and layout reconstructions from ScanNet, SUN RGB-D and stock photographs, and demonstrate that our method reconstructs high-quality, fully relightable 3D scenes that can be re-rendered under arbitrary viewpoints, zooms and lighting.



From the input photo(s) and 3D scene model, we estimate scene normals and lighting via an inverse rendering method, and compute material parts and align them to the model UVs and part segments. We model scene materials with procedural graphs. For each material part, we identify an appropriate graph from a collection and use a differentiable rendering module to optimize for the graph and UV transformation parameters. We also refine the initial lighting. Assigning the optimized materials and lighting to the input 3D model gives us our output PhotoScene—a renderable 3D scene that matches the appearance of the input photos.


Transfer from ScanNet (Multi-view) to OpenRooms (CAD model)

OpenRooms provides aligned CAD models and layout w.r.t each ScanNet scene. Each material part is optimized w.r.t. the optimal view.

  • ScanNet

  • PhotoScene

  • Novel Light

  • ScanNet

  • PhotoScene

  • Novel Light

Transfer from stock image (Single-view) to manually-aligned objects (CAD model)

CAD models and layout are aligned manually to a single image.

  • Image

  • PhotoScene

  • Novel Light

  • Image

  • PhotoScene

  • Novel Light

Transfer from SUN RGB-D (Single-view) to Total3D (rough 3D model)

Rough meshes and layout are reconstructed by Total3D. MaskFormer is used to obtain the panoptic labels which enables automatic transfer.

  • Image

  • PhotoScene

  • Novel Light

  • Image

  • PhotoScene

  • Novel Light


    author    = {Yeh, Yu-Ying and Li, Zhengqin and Hold-Geoffroy, Yannick and Zhu, Rui and Xu, Zexiang and Ha\v{s}an, Milo\v{s} and Sunkavalli, Kalyan and Chandraker, Manmohan},
    title     = {PhotoScene: Photorealistic Material and Lighting Transfer for Indoor Scenes},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {18562-18571}


We thank the anonymous CVPR reviewers for their valuable feedback. We acknowledge support from NSF, Adobe, Qualcomm and Google. The website template was partially borrowed from project and project.